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Love letter
to Oregon's Black community

The Black Nod is:
a call and response
a cultural symbol of belonging
a visual hug
The Black Nod acknowledges our visibility within white-dominated spaces. It helps us subtly remind each other that we are seen, valued and that we share similar struggles and experiences.
In Oregon, where Black people make up 3% of the population - the nod can mean EVERYTHING! This subtle and reverent gesture is the closest thing we have to a secret handshake of ethnic solidarity in a state that has historically and intentionally gentrified, dispersed, harmed, and isolated Black people from each other.
Let's keep this cultural acknowledgement going!

The Black Nod film: A Love Letter to Black Portland
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Award-winning filmmaker Elijah Hasan photographed and interviewed dozens of Black Portlanders of all ages. Here, he is photographing the nods of former Sen. Avel Gordly and her adult son.

If you don't have time to watch the whole 20-minute film, check out the 2 minute trailer for a sneak peek!
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